BBC tracks down smuggler behind Channel crossing which killed Sara, 7

After seeing a girl die in a small boat off France, we found the people smuggler behind the trip.
2024-06-27 07:07:37

Nine more bodies found off southern Italy after migrant boat wreck

Post Content
2024-06-20 19:09:32

Boat crew 'thrilled' by playful dolphins

Volunteers from Hoylake RNLI say it was a treat to see the pod of dolphins riding the waves.
2024-06-16 20:08:54

Hajóutak: ezek a világ legelképesztőbb hajóútjai

Hajóutak összefoglalása, luxus hajóutakkal együtt
2024-06-16 07:07:34

The Houthis just scored their first drone boat hit on a Red Sea ship

Post Content
2024-06-13 02:06:40

DR Congo boat disaster kills at least 80

Post Content
2024-06-12 20:09:17

At least 39 killed as boat carrying migrants sinks off Yemen, U.N. says

Post Content
2024-06-11 12:08:41

Thirty-nine die after boat capsizes off Yemen - officials

Post Content
2024-06-11 11:09:26

Seaplane Plows Into Boat During Takeoff Before Immediately Splashing Down

Post Content
2024-06-10 19:07:45

Old video of India boat mishap falsely shared as Karachi mayor photo-op fail

Post Content
2024-05-30 10:11:48

Watch: Hundreds gather to greet Spanish tall ship

Aerial footage captures the moment a replica of a 17th Century boat sails into town.
2024-05-29 17:10:00

California boat captain jailed for fire that killed 34

Jerry Boylan sentenced to four years in prison for failing to prevent 2019 Labor Day tragedy.
2024-05-03 01:06:29

'I could not protect her': Dad mourns child killed in Channel

Ahmed Alhashimi's daughter Sara died as the family tried to cross the Channel in a small boat.
2024-05-01 07:07:25

Aki nem bírja a keménykedést, ezt az új sorozatot messzire kerülje el

A Boat Storyban tényleg egy szereplő sincs biztonságban.
2024-04-30 18:10:54

Congo River: At least 60 drowned after boat capsizes

2021-02-16 12:06:05

UN agency seeks help to find Rohingya boat adrift at sea

2021-02-22 10:05:59

Boat capsizes in lake in Egypt; at least 5 dead

2021-02-23 00:06:15

UN: Boat with Rohingya refugees adrift without food, water

2021-02-24 15:05:53

4 children and 2 adults were rescued from a sinking boat off the Georgia coast

Two adults and four children were rescued Friday by the US Coast Guard off the Georgia coast after their boat struck an object and started sinking.
2021-02-28 18:06:42

Family rescued after boat strikes object

2021-03-01 18:05:41

Víz felett lebegő hajót videóztak Skócia partjainál

Colin McCallum elsőre azt hitte, hogy tényleg egy lebegő teherhajót lát, amikor pénteken a Skócia északi részén található Banff városánál autózott. A férfi a helyi sajtónak elmondta: Amikor először megláttam a hajót, kétszer is meg kellett néznem, mert őszintén azt hittem, hogy lebeg. Azonban amikor jobban megnéztem, akkor rájöttem, hogy az csak egy figyelemre méltó optikai illúzió. A látvány annyira lenyűgözte, hogy gyorsan videót és fotót készített róla, amiket a Facebook-oldalán osztott meg. Az illúziót a tenger és a felhők színének hasonlósága okozta. The post Víz felett lebegő hajót vi...
2021-03-03 12:07:05

Víz felett lebegő hajót videóztak Skócia partjainál

Colin McCallum elsőre azt hitte, hogy tényleg egy lebegő teherhajót lát, amikor pénteken a Skócia északi részén található Banff városánál autózott. A férfi a helyi sajtónak elmondta: Amikor először megláttam a hajót, kétszer is meg kellett néznem, mert őszintén azt hittem, hogy lebeg. Azonban amikor jobban megnéztem, akkor rájöttem, hogy az csak egy figyelemre méltó optikai illúzió. A látvány annyira lenyűgözte, hogy gyorsan videót és fotót készített róla, amiket a Facebook-oldalán osztott meg. Az illúziót a tenger és a felhők színének hasonlósága okozta. The post Víz felett lebegő hajót vi...
2021-03-03 12:07:05

Explosion on Gaza fishing boat kills 3 Palestinian anglers

2021-03-07 12:07:48

America's Cup yachts close on speeds of 100 kph

Peter Burling and Max Sirena will be fierce rivals over the next week or so as they compete for the "Auld Mug" but they are united in their admiration for the AC75 class of boat that will be used for the first time in the 36th America's Cup.
2021-03-09 10:05:43

Imádjuk Harry Styles Grammy-gálás boáit

Vasárnap este adták át a Grammy-díjakat Los Angelesben. A 63. alkalommal megrendezett gálán nyerte meg élete első Grammy-díját a Vogue első férfi címlapsztárja, Harry Styles, aki természetesen most is stílusosan öltözött fel: talpig Gucciban volt, és háromféle különböző boát vett fel a három különböző szettjéhez. Érthető a rákészülés, hiszen három kategóriában is jelölték az énekest (A legjobb egyéni popelőadás, A legjobb pop album, A legjobb videoklip), előbbi díját meg is nyerte. Szóval érdemes volt boát vennie a nyakába. Fellépése alatt fekete bőrkabátban és bőrnadrágban volt, a díjat kock...
2021-03-15 08:07:11

The last of Hong Kong's original wooden junk boats is still afloat

You may not know what a junk boat is, but odds are high that you've seen one.
2021-03-16 03:05:43

The last of Hong Kong's original wooden junk boats is still afloat

You may not know what a junk boat is, but odds are high that you've seen one.
2021-03-16 06:06:08

Museum intruders use getaway boat on bayou

2021-03-17 18:06:59

One student is dead and another missing after a collegiate rowing crew capsized during practice

One student is dead and another is missing after an Iowa State University crew club boat capsized with five students aboard during practice Sunday morning, according to the university.
2021-03-29 19:06:00

Missing fisherman's boat found going in circles

2021-04-03 23:05:50

Famous Boat Race moves to river last used in WW2

The traditional showdown between Oxford and Cambridge universities takes place on the Great Ouse this year.
2021-04-04 09:07:48

2021 Boat Race: Cambridge beat Oxford in both men's and women's races

Cambridge win the 166th Boat Race in a contest moved to Cambridgeshire because of the coronavirus pandemic.
2021-04-04 21:07:29

Suez Canal authorities need to remove up to 706,000 cubic feet of sand to free the Ever Given

Rescue teams working to dislodge the giant container ship blocking the Suez Canal have failed in another bid to free the boat, according to the vessel's technical manager.
2021-04-06 00:05:43

How a failed journey to California aboard a Chinese junk boat led to a lifelong friendship

Sitting in Eddie Fong's living room in Palo Alto is a 55-year-old model of a traditional Chinese junk boat.
2021-04-08 04:05:42

With just $21, Hong Kong man sails to a new life in the US

Sitting in Eddie Fong's living room in Palo Alto is a 55-year-old model of a traditional Chinese junk boat.
2021-04-08 06:05:46

42 migrants dead after boat from Yemen capsizes off Djibouti coast

At least 42 migrants have died after a boat they were travelling in from Yemen capsized off the coast of Djibouti, East Africa, during the early hours of Monday morning, the United Nations' International Office for Migration (IOM) said on Tuesday.
2021-04-14 12:05:42

6 rescued, search on for others after boat capsizes

2021-04-14 20:05:47

Search for 9 missing from capsized boat in Gulf on 6th day

2021-04-19 02:06:20

2 die, child survives after boat capsizes

2021-04-21 03:06:17

Opinion: We left my little brother and a world behind us when we escaped Vietnam by boat

Out on the water, the smell of diesel mixed with the ocean salt, the sound of the engine puttering along was slightly louder than my mom's muffled cries. I recall being terrified and wanting to cry, but knowing I shouldn't, I clenched my teeth and fought the urge.
2021-04-30 14:05:41

Unatkozott, ezért a nyakában vitte le a másfél méteres kígyóját sétálni az újbudai férfi

Másfél méteres boával a nyakában sétálgatott egy XI. kerületi lakótelepen egy részeg férfi, állítja az RTL Klub híradója. Többen megijedtek a látványtól, ezért hívták a rendőröket. Mikor felkísérték a lakásába, további három hüllő került elő. A tartási körülményeikkel és a papírjaikkal is gond volt, ezért mindet elvitték tőle. A férfi azt mondta, unatkozott, azért vitte le sétálni a boát. The post Unatkozott, ezért a nyakában vitte le a másfél méteres kígyóját sétálni az újbudai férfi first appeared on
2021-04-30 21:06:00

2 dead, more than 20 hospitalized after vessel overturns off San Diego coast

Two people are dead and nearly two dozen people were sent to hospitals after a vessel overturned off the coast of San Diego on Sunday morning.
2021-05-02 23:05:39

2 killed, 23 hurt when boat capsizes off San Diego coast

2021-05-02 23:06:15

Suspected migrant boat breaks up off San Diego, killing three

Three people die and some two dozen are injured after the cabin cruiser breaks up close to shore.
2021-05-03 03:07:24

Nemzetközi gyakorlat lesz a Dunán, fokozott hanghatásra kell számítani

Az MH 2. vitéz Bertalan Árpád Különleges Rendeltetésű Dandár és az US Navy Naval Special Warfare, Special Boat Team-22 kijelölt állománya 2021. május 3-14. között nemzetközi gyakorlatot hajt végre a Duna fővárosi, valamint a Szentendrei-sziget és Ercsi közötti szakaszán. Ebben az időszakban naponta 8 óra és 24 óra között megnövekedett vízi járműforgalomra és fokozott hanghatásra kell számítani. A Magyar Honvédség a vonatkozó jogszabályokat betartva törekszik arra, hogy a lehető legkisebb mértékben zavarja az állampolgárok nyugalmát, írták. The post Nemzetközi gyakorlat lesz a Dunán, fokozott ...
2021-05-03 17:05:56

Has Wall Street missed the boat on cryptocurrencies?

Big banks have changed their attitude toward cryptocurrencies in recent years, going from dismissive to cautiously interested. But Wall Street still isn't fully embracing digital currencies.
2021-05-04 11:05:46

These people have gone all-in on boat life. Here's how they did it

Imagine casting off most of your worldly possessions to live on a sailboat you bought on the Internet -- perhaps without even seeing it, or knowing how to tie a knot or hoist the mainsail.
2021-05-04 12:05:43

These people have gone all-in on boat life. Here's how they did it

Imagine casting off most of your worldly possessions to live on a sailboat you bought on the Internet -- perhaps without even seeing it, or knowing how to tie a knot or hoist the mainsail.
2021-05-04 12:05:47

On board a small Ukrainian patrol boat challenging Russian naval might

The message from the Russians to the Ukrainian patrol was clear: Go no further. As Russian ships deploy to the Sea of Azov for what Moscow says are exercises, the Ukrainians ready their defenses.
2021-05-05 19:05:43

On board a small Ukrainian patrol boat challenging Russian naval might

The message from the Russians to the Ukrainian patrol was clear: Go no further. As Russian ships deploy to the Sea of Azov for what Moscow says are exercises, the Ukrainians ready their defenses.
2021-05-05 19:05:43

Two college students had to be rescued when their boat made of plastic buckets and kiddie pools drifted out to sea

Two college students in California had to be rescued from the Pacific Ocean this weekend when they floated too far from the shore in a homemade boat, according to police.
2021-05-11 01:05:41

Family member describes fight at boat launch

2021-05-14 19:05:42

Teen girl found in boat drifting for three weeks at sea

Aicha, 17, was making the journey from Ivory Coast to Europe for the "chance of a better life".
2021-05-15 02:06:00

Nigeria: More than 130 missing after boat sinks in Kebbi state

Eyewitnesses say more than 160 people were on the vessel and just 22 have been rescued.
2021-05-26 20:06:14

More than 100 missing after boat sinks in northwest Nigeria

Scores of people are missing and feared dead after an overloaded boat capsized in the northwestern Nigerian state of Kebbi on Wednesday with around 180 passengers on board, government authorities said.
2021-05-27 02:05:44

More than 100 missing after boat sinks in northwest Nigeria

Scores of people are missing and feared dead after an overloaded boat capsized in the northwestern Nigerian state of Kebbi on Wednesday with around 180 passengers on board, government authorities said.
2021-05-27 17:05:46


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